Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Date With A Vampire 3 REVIEW!!!

I finished watching "My Date with A Vampire III - 永 恆 國 度 (Eternal Kingdom)" Episode 35 . I have always been a fan of this particular series. I think Thirteen Chan really did a good job in utilizing the limited resources of ATV and managed to pull out another outstanding piece of fantasy drama.

To make the story short, MDWAV3 is about the love couple - 馬 小 玲 (Ma Siu Ling) [played by 萬 綺 雯 (Joey Meng Yee Man)]. a vampire slayer, and 況 天 佑 Fong Tin Yau [played by 尹 天 照 (Eric Wan Tin Chiu)], a vampire, who were saved by the Poon Goo tribe after the ultimate battle in 2001 with Jeung San. The couples were then taken to the Holy Ground of the Poon Goo Tribe - a place without tears nor hatred. Unfortunately, the "(Goddess of Death and Sickness)" (Yiu Chee) "瑤 池 聖 母" (played by Alice Chan Wai [陳 煒] ), who were supposedly sealed by the Poon Goo tribe, wanted to seek revenge on the "(King of Mankind)" (Fuk Hei) "人 王 伏 羲" (played by Mark Cheng Ho Nam) who rejected her love for the girl Sheung Or (played by Asuka Higuchi). As a result, Yiu Chee released a deadly virus which killed everyone in the Poon Goo tribe including Tin Yau. Moreover, she stole Poon Goo's "Book of Heaven" and left behind a drop of her blood essence which ultimately turned the "Jin Kuo General" Yuen Arn But Por (played by Kenneth Chan Kai Tai [陳 啟 泰]) of the Sung Dynasty into a vampire.

In order to save Tin Yau, Siu Ling must travel in time to the Sung Dynasty to bring Tin Yau's before life - Jin Tau (also played by Eric Wan Tin Chiu) back to 2004 and unite with her friends Mo Yau (played by Teresa Mak Ka Ki), Fong Fuk Sang (played by Cheung Kwok Kuen), her future daughter Fong Tin Ai (played by Kylie Kwok Ka Yin), the "Guardian of Hell" Ma Siu Foo (played by Ricky Chan Po Yuen), SDU member Sky (played by William Chow Chi Ho), along with Yuen Arn But Por and her sister Yuen Arn Mo Lui (played by Pinky Cheung Man Che) to stop the destructive battle of Goddess Yiu Chee and King Fuk Hei. Little do they know that their actions are part of the consipiracy setup by "Fate" (played by Benny Chan Chin Pang) who is trying to gather the "Book of Heaven","Earth", and "Human" to bring forth the Eternal Kingdom.

In my opinion, the best performance of the show had to be Alice who played a very convincing role as a woman in hatred. Kylie was a big surprise for me too with her believable and cute acting. Both Joey and William were good-looking too and did their part alright.Kenneth too , he is good for playing the role of a vampire who love the wrong person as it says for the last episode a little short review for the character and the role they are playing , while Kenneth says that the role he play of a vampire who always love the wrong person and thats the most stupid thing in the role that he found out of . I am looking forward to watch My Date With a Vampire volume 4 and i will love it too . I heard that it is still in a middle of taking , and the 2 leads will not be in the volume anymore , quite sad isn't it?

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